For information on how to enable the workaround, please see the If Apple Mail Is Running Slowly section of the manual. Added an experimental workaround for an issue on macOS 13 that could cause Apple Mail to take a long time to launch. This can work around a Mail bug that causes a hang when training a message. Made various changes to improve SpamSieve’s filtering accuracy - If you are using Apple Mail on macOS 13, we recommend going to Mail ‣ Settings ‣ Accounts ‣ Account Information and setting Download Attachments to All for each account. However, if you don’t see the SpamSieve commands in Apple Mail’s Message menu, be sure to choose Install Apple Mail Plug-In from the SpamSieve menu and to enable the plug-in.

SpamSieve 2.9.52 should automatically update the installed version of its Apple Mail plug-in, and the plug-in should stay enabled.

We recommend updating SpamSieve before updating macOS. SpamSieve 2.9.52 - Added support for Apple Mail on the forthcoming macOS 13.3.